2015年9月11日 星期五

認識 REEL ROCK 10 攀岩影展

REEL ROCK 影展將登山探險與攀登活動放上大螢幕世界巡迴。

誕生於 2006年,由兩位在戶外探險影片界打滾了超過十年的老手 Big UP Productions 的 Josh Lowell 與 Sender Films 的 Peter Mortimer (註1)共同催生。在他們為自己發行的獨立影片組織了小型影展之後,與在地的合作夥伴:戶外裝備零售商、大學社團、岩館等等,共同選出當年度的參展電影短片。每年篩選出的紀錄片,曾涵蓋高空走繩、定點跳傘到攀岩、冰攀等。

這場影展已成為攀岩界的年度盛事,呈現當年最嗆辣的攀爬與冒險影片。除了影片欣賞外,REEL ROCK 也常結合運動員、製片人、當地社群、募款及令人興奮的抽獎,充滿趴踢的氣氛。

今年是 REEL ROCK 備受矚目的十週年,已預定超過 450 場全球巡迴,網羅 Tommy Caldwell、 Kevin Jorgeson、 Alex Honnold、 Jimmy Webb、 Daniel Woods 等攀岩神人,並向逝去的 Dean Potter 致敬,內容涵蓋從大牆攀登到驚人創舉, 號稱包羅萬象讓你驚喜不已!

另外在每年的聖誕節前夕,美國官方都有發行實體 DVD 與 HD 影片,往往是岩友們的暢銷首選,送禮自用兩相宜喔~ 但是要上戲院,搶先於發行前看大螢幕,台北場是你的最佳選擇。

(註1: Big UP ProductionsSender Films 是美國兩家以拍攝攀岩、登山等戶外冒險運動為主題的製片公司。你可以在他們的官網上看到過去的 REEL ROCK 預告片)

Founded in 2006 by filmmakers Josh Lowell (Big UP Productions) and Peter Mortimer (Sender Films), the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the best climbing and adventure films of the year to live audiences throughout the world. The film tour is the definitive annual event for climbing communities globally. REEL ROCK shows are high energy, community events that go beyond mere film screenings to include prize giveaways, athlete and filmmaker appearances, non-profit fundraising, and a party atmosphere.

In its landmark 10th year, REEL ROCK is kicking off the 2015 world tour to over 450 locations around the world. From big walls to big moves, REEL ROCK 10 features athletes Tommy Caldwell, Kevin Jorgeson, Alex Honnold, Jimmy Webb, Daniel Woods and a special tribute to the late Dean Potter. This year's tour boasts an eclectic program that will get you psyched!

REEL ROCK films are also released on DVD and HD Download each year in time for the holiday shopping season. They are the top-selling climbing titles, and make ideal gifts for any climber.
